Information on all subscription plans and pricing
When loading entities into Connectworks, you can select the plan that's right for each client you manage. There's no requirement to use a single subscription plan for Companies or Trusts within your firm. You can transfer between plans yourself at any time without penalties.
All pricing in Connectworks is GST exclusive. Entities have a 30-day free loading phase before subscribing to the chosen subscription.
Note: If the entity is still in its 30-day free loading period but wants to activate it early, select the Activate Now option next to the subscription type. Just to let you know, activating the AML plan will remove your access to the entity's workspace.
Please make sure you complete these profiles in their entirety before activation.
Company subscription plans
Functionality Summary
AML-only: $5 per entity per annum; this allows ID checks via Centrix and Bioverify.
Centrix SmartID, PEP and Sanctions Check, and BioVerify Biometric verifications are additional; please review the pricing here.
Unlinked: $30 per Company per annum
It is for internal use by a professional firm, with no client access.
Unlinked with signing: $35 per Company per annum
This includes everything in Unlinked, but clients and all staff of other professional firms can only sign documents and approve resolutions.
Unlimited: $120 per Company per annum
It is best for active companies where the directors are engaged in Company secretarial matters.
Unlimited access by all appropriate parties, including every staff member of the subscribing professional firm, plus all directors, shareholders and any other professionals required.
Corporate Trustee Companies: no charge when the Trust uses Connectworks
Ability to manage your corporate trustee companies, where the associated Trust also uses Connectworks. This includes importing information from the Companies Office, managing shareholding, precedents, documents, and director approvals, and signing at no charge. A reduced Companies Office annual return fee applies.
Lower Companies Office annual return fee via Connectworks - $53.75 per annum (incl. GST)
You can file annual returns directly with Connectworks to the Companies Office. The annual return fee is $53.75 (as opposed to $57.20 when filing via the Companies Office website).
Trust subscription plans
Functionality Summary
AML-only: $5 per entity per annum; this allows ID checks via Centrix and Bioverify.
Centrix SmartID, PEP and Sanctions Check, and BioVerify Biometric verifications are additional; please review the pricing here.
Unlinked: $25 per Trust per annum
This plan is best where there is a single professional and trustees are not online. It is for internal use by a professional firm, with no client access.
Unlinked with signing: $35 per Trust per annum
This includes everything in Unlinked, but clients and all staff of other professional firms can only sign documents and approve resolutions.
2-party: $65 per Trust per annum
This plan is best when only two parties are engaged, e.g., an accounting and law firm or one with a contact trustee.
Access covers everyone within the professional firm(s) and contact trustee. Other trustees can approve and sign online or manually and then upload.
Unlimited: $98 per Trust per annum
This plan is best for active trusts with all parties engaged.
Access to the Trust by all appropriate parties, including non-professional trustees.
Other subscription plans
Connectworks also offers the below plans for all entity types
AML-only plan: $5 per entity per annum; this excludes ID checks via Connectworks.
Individuals: $5 per individual per annum; this excludes ID checks via Connectworks.
Archive plan: $75 for 10 years of storage. View under the list of entities you manage. If necessary, you can change back to an active plan. Everything is secure and easily searchable.
Centrix SmartID, PEP and Biometric checks
In addition to the annual client subscription, the Centrix identity verification checks are charged per check, with a cost of:
- Centrix SmartID identity search with Driver's Licence $5.00
- Centrix SmartID identity search with Passport $6.00
- PEP and Sanctions Check $2.00
- BioVerify real-time biometric verification $8.50
- BioVerify + SmartID full identity verification(NZ identities only) $12.50