Updating company information directly to Companies Office
Connectworks allows you easily update the Company summary information and company addresses directly to the Companies Office.
To update the company information, your RealMe login must be linked to Connectworks. Linking to Companies Office (RealMe)
Update Company Information
There are several ways to access the "edit Companies Office' button to make the necessary changes.
1. Navigate to your firm's Clients tab. Select the client, click on the 3 dots and 'edit Companies Office'.

2. Navigate to the company's workspace, and select 'Edit Companies Office'

Company Information
The following Company information can be updated in the Details tab.
Please note: The information at Companies will update to Companies Office when you select save.
Annual Return Filing month
Email (this is the communication email address, typically a generic firm email address)
Phone number
Mobile number
Fax number
Company addresses

Company Addresses
If your firm has moved address, changed company name or needs to update a large number of company addresses please contact support@connectworks.com and we'll guide you through the bulk update process.
To update the Company address information, scroll down to addresses in 'edit Companies Office' and select 'change address' of the address to update.
Existing Addresses
Click on the drop-down of 'use existing address, this is where all the company addresses are listed.
All the current addresses for the Company will appear. If the correct address appears in the list, select the address, select the effective date and any other addresses to update as required. Click 'change address' to update the addresses at the Companies Office.
New Address
Type in the appropriate information into the address fields, and select the effective date, and the other addresses you would like to update. Click 'change address' to update the addresses at the Companies Office.
Note: To reflect the updated information in Connectworks, In Clients, Companies select the company, scroll down to Incorporation and registration. Click refresh and this will update Connectworks with the latest address information.

See more Companies Office integrations with Director Updates and Shareholder Updates.