How to edit account movements that have been created in the assets & liabilities ledger
This article explains how to edit account movements that have been created in the assets & liabilities ledger. You can edit the details of the individual account movements that make up a transaction, and/or a complete transaction.
Editing an account movement
1. Navigate to the trust workspace's Ledger>Accounts>Account movements tab and locate the account movement to be edited in the list.
Tip: You can search for a specific movement in the search bar or view by categories or specific accounts using the filters in the left column.
2. Selecting an account movement will display its details in the slide-out pane, from which you can select the edit button.

3. After selecting Edit You will be directed to a form where you can update details of the transaction and any associated account movements. Simply select Update and Close to save your changes and return to the Account Movements gallery.