Understanding the causes of 'Filing Problem'
Hovering over the warning will provide more information about the cause of the issue.

You can investigate further by checking the "Recent Activity" section of the Company's workspace. There will be an error warning which will provide insight into the cause of the failure.

Common issues and resolutions:
The RealMe account you have logged in with does not have the authority to file.
Log in at the Companies Office. Obtain authority or reconnect your Connectworks profile with the RealMe that has authority. -
RealMe account does not have a direct debit enabled with the Companies Office.
Log in at the Companies Office and enable direct debit authority. -
The Company has already been filed by the client at the Companies Office directly, in these situations you are not charged the filing fee in Connectworks.
The Company may have been removed from the register, or maybe in its first year of incorporation and therefore does not require filing.
The Company is an Overseas Non-ASIC Company. Annual returns for overseas companies are not able to be filed via Connectworks. Please file the return via the Companies Office website.