Understanding the filters in the Annual Return Workflow
Connectworks provide a comprehensive list of filters to ensure all the Companies that are due for filing appear in the correct filter, and if your firm has a specific process it has the flexibility to accommodate that approach.
The default view for the Annual Return Process is in italics
Filing Obligations
Files return (Companies set as Registered office and filing and Office Filing Only)
Checks return (Companies set as Registered office and check filing and Check Filing Only)
Undetermined (Companies imported, but the filing responsibility not updated)
The responsibilities Registered Office Only and Not Registered Office, do not appear in the work tab, where you had a responsibility to file, the Company needs to be updated from the Clients Tab.
Filing month
This month (All the Companies due for the current month with Files return as the filing responsibility
Next month (All Companies that are due for filing next month)
Last month (This will show Companies that have not completed filing)
Any month (All Companies that are upcoming for filing. Note: It will not show all the companies for your firm unless you select All (no filtering) in Filing Status.
Not recorded (Companies that have been struck off or in liquidation that are still in Connectworks)
Filing Status
Needs attention (All Companies that require attention, once a company is successfully filed, it is removed from the filter and appears in (All – no filtering)
Not due yet
Not recorded
All (no filtering)
Workflow Step
Not started (Annual Return workflows, not started)
Prepare review (Annual Return in review, not yet sent to the client)
Awaiting response (Annual Return sent to the client, waiting on the response)
Review response (Annual Return returned by the client, with changes required)
Ready to file (Annual Return returned by the client, no changes required and ready to file)
TIP: If you have more than 30 Companies for the month, in the filter Workflow Step, select ‘Not Started’ before sending the extracts. In the Annual Returns process they are removed from the list, only showing Companies that have not had the extracts sent.
Business Unit
Based on the configuration within the firm (Admin --> Business Units), the Business Unit filter gives firms in multiple locations the flexibility to have all the Companies in one place, but file the Companies using different logins.
In the below example, the person responsible for filing the Annual Returns in Masterton would select the appropriate business unit and only see the Companies they have the responsibility to file.

The Partner filter allows you to specifically see the Companies that have a particular Partner.
e.g. One of the Partners in the firm wants to review the Extracts, whereas another Partner sends the extracts to the clients, this filter allows this approach.
Equally allowing you to file the Partners Companies with a different login. Some firms have a login for each Partner, using this filter allows that flexibility.