How to connect existing clients to FYI
If you have a client profile set up in Connectworks and FYI, it is easy to connect both records to enable information synchronisation between the two systems.
First, you must ensure you have activated the FYI Add-on.
Connecting Companies / Trusts
1. Navigate to the Clients tab and locate the client profile to connect.
2. Select edit to access the client's edit form.
3. Select the Connect Now button.
An entity can be connected to multiple systems
e.g. As below, Status Electrical Limited has an existing connection with XPM
4. By default, the search function will look for the client's name as recorded in Connectworks.
After clicking on 'Connect now,' Connectworks will search FYI for the client. In this example, we are linking Status Electrical Limited to FYI.
Select "link" in the screenshot above to link the Company in Connectworks to the profile information in XPM. Once linked, the profile will show connected.
Close the page and return to Clients / All. The following article will guide you through the syncing process.