How to Edit Company Profiles
After a company has been set up, company profiles can be edited in two ways:
Option 1: Using the edit button from the Clients gallery:

Option 2: Entering the company workspace (by clicking on the name) and then select edit in the top right corner of the workspace:

After selecting edit you will be directed to the update company form, where you can add/edit all the essential details about the entity.
Navigate between the tabs on the left, select Update to save information in each tab, or Update and close to exit the form.

Fields available to edit in the profile are:
General Details
Name of Company
Trading name (if different)
Country of incorporation
Type of company (limited (Small), limited (Large), Unlimited, Co-operative, Qualifying Company, LTC, Overseas, Not-for-profit Organisation, Partnership, other)
Signing policy (see more here)
AGM date
Contact Details
Email address (for annual return verification)
Primary number
Other phone
Physical Address
Postal address
Tax & Finances
Tax residency country
IRD number
GST Number
Tax code
Files tax return (Y/N)
Subject to foreign tax requirements
Annual balance date
Financial filing date
Country of incorporation
Company number
Incorporation date
Annual return date
Responsibility (see more here)
Supporting notes
Practice Management Integration
Addon integration if connection linked in Admin, Add-ons (Firm Admin only access)
Client Administration
Business unit (see more here)
Partner and Manager (see more here)
Client reference
Annual review date
Set up status (see more here)
Summary notes
Associated Parties
Add people and other entities into the company and assign their roles. See more: Adding Associated Parties to Entity Profiles
Edit existing associations, such as Retiring, resigning or removing a director
Please note: shareholders cannot be added (or removed) in the associated parties tab, as they are added to company profiles through being added to share allocations via the shareholder's tab within the company workspace. See more on managing share registers here: Share registers
However, if the company is on the AML subscription plan there will be a tick box available in this form to record shareholders, as there is no access to the share registers section of the company profile.