Before starting the AML-CFT Workflow (Compliance), ensure everything is setup correctly
Setting up the entity requiring CDD
The AML Workflow can be used to perform Client Due Diligence (CDD) on companies, trusts, estates, individuals and Partnerships. The first step is to ensure that the entity has been loaded and appears in your firm's Clients tab.
If the entity is not already set up, please refer to the articles below for further instructions.
*To conduct CDD on other entities please contact the Connectworks support team at
Adding identity evidence and making a determination
Under the AML-CFT Act there are three key identity verification requirements:
Record identity information
Verify identity information
Verify the individual matches the identity information provided
To perform identity verifications, you first need to upload identity information and evidence against the individuals involved.
Although this information can be captured in a variety of places within Connectworks, the best place to enter the information is your firm's contacts list. To do this:
1. Navigate to your firm's Clients>Contacts list.
If searching your contacts list shows multiple copies of the same person you must merge all duplicate contacts before proceeding with the next steps.
3. When a single copy of the individual appears in your Client>Contacts list place a tick next to the contact and click on the edit button.
4. Navigate to the Identity information tab of the Update contact form. Click the Start Adding Evidence button and then select the type of evidence you are recording.
After collecting a piece of evidence you may continue adding further forms of identity information by selecting Add evidence.
5. You can also use Centrix SmartID to verify the identity information you have provided.
For further information on Electronic Identity Verification please refer to Electronic Identity Verification.
6. Once you are satisfied with the evidence collected you can make a final determination that the individual's identity has been verified. To do this select Make a Determination. Using the identity evidence collected complete the name, date of birth and address fields below. The fields will pre-populate based on the evidence collected. If you are satisfied the identity information showing is correct select Confirm Identity.
Once you have completed all the captured parties' identity information has been uploaded and a determination has been made, navigate to your firm's Work>AML Compliance tab.
Continued AML Workflow (Compliance)